Discover practical and proven strategies for a profitable launch

I'll never forget my first major launch with my product business, where I made thousands of dollars. Then, when I transitioned my business, I made thousands of dollars within days from my first launch.

Despite not having a large audience, I had a sure strategy that I've consistently used for my other launches, yielding profitable results. The best part is that clients from different industries and cities have adopted it and seen mind-blowing results in a short while.

Now, I want to show you how to do same.

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 see how easy it is to 

Hit your Launch Goals without Guesswork

I want to take you behind the scenes of profitable launches and hand over my proven strategies for ensuring my launches work every time with certainty! Get your questions answered plus access to tools that save you time and keep you focused on your launch.

Plan your launch in just a few days

You get instant access today, and within the next three days, you'll already know the best steps to take for launch success. No more procrastinating on your brand goals.

Follow a proven system for success.

No need to work with assumptions or wishful thinking; this system works across multiple niches and can be rinsed and repeated even with your other launches.

Do it at your own pace.

All you need is a few minutes each day for three days. Whether it's early in the morning or when you're back from work at night, there are no restraints—you can do it at your own pace.

Case studies from different niches.

Learn from real examples and observe content and messaging crafted on the go. You also receive examples of possible offers to create for your niche or industry.


"I used to be passive about my launches and struggled with consistency. But after this bootcamp, I've implemented active systems that make my business growth predictable. I underestimated the influence I could have by putting myself out there, especially with my offers. Now, I know how to confidently show up in my field of expertise. I feel clear on how to put these things into use. Wohoo!"


Is This You?

You want to launch premium offers that exponentially expand your influence and income...

You may have believed that a successful launch simply entails combining content creation with a freebie to raise awareness, followed by upselling. However, despite following this approach, you still fell short of your launch goals. Moreover, even after the launch, you struggled to consistently serve your clients due to a lack of predictable and repeatable systems.

But achieving a successful launch requires more than assumptions and a dedicated following. You need:

  1. Visibility and Strategic Branding: Develop a unique identity for your brand that resonates with your ideal clients. Your brand should speak their language and address their needs. Identifying what sets you apart from others allows you to leverage these unique selling points to consistently attract your ideal clients.

  2. Crafting Compelling Messaging: Create messaging that acts as a bridge, validating your clients' needs and compelling them to seek your assistance rather than attempting to solve the problem themselves.

  3. Revamping Offers and Strategic Launch Planning: Refine your existing offers and develop a strategic launch plan aligned with your positioning goals. Focus not only on increasing revenue but also on enhancing brand credibility and influence with each launch.

This is the Approach I have Broken Down in This BootCamp 

What you’ll Learn


Your positioning is important, and this Bootcamp will show you how to clarify it. With the techniques from this Bootcamp, you will define your irresistible brand positioning designed to address a profitable pain clients have, not just a surface level problem they are not willing to pay to solve.


This bootcamp will help you craft how to showcase your brilliance and expertise.Follow a well-structured sequence of steps that feel natural, with no pressure on you, making connecting with your audience and building authority before you launch as easy as ABC.


Make bold transformation promises and be confident in how you'll help your clients achieve them. You'll learn a system that ensures you always deliver rapid results that impact clients and increase your authority consistently. This way, you can 10x your influence and impact.

And it only gets more practical and premium with actionable bonuses:

Content Flow

From identifying who your content should speak to, to crafting the initial posts and captions, this content flow serves as a practical guide that shows you how.

Launch Filter

With so many offer options to choose from, I understand the dilemma. This launch filter will help you sift through what to launch—whether it's a book or a mastermind, a podcast or a coaching program. Let the filter do the thinking for you!

Mindset Map Journal

And just when you think self-doubt and fear will hold you back from launching, this mindset map will open your eyes to confidence and help boost your mindset about successful launches.

Here’s what people are saying about the bootcamp


Crafting my offers and segmenting my audience is now so so easy!

Before the bootcamp, I wasn't clear about how I would craft my offers and which segment of the audience each offer would serve. But now, I am more confident about who to serve and how to deliver real results, focusing not only on the monetary aspect but also on the impact aspect. All thanks to the bootcamp.



I now feel Confident to Serve Rich and Premium Audiences

I've always thought I could only serve people at their lowest or who didn't have much to pay, so my plan was to make my brand affordable. With this bootcamp, I feel confident about how to build a profitable brand and launch in a way that serves even sophisticated and premium individuals in my industry.


Step 1

Make payment and gain instant access.

Step 2

Head over to your email and access Day 1+ worksheets to get started.

Step 3

Plan, practice and make profit

What's the process like?

This bootcamp is divided into three parts, delivered daily over three days, to avoid overwhelm and provide you with ample space to focus and apply what you are learning.

Upon making payment, you will immediately dive into Day 1. In addition to the lessons, you will gain access to check-ins and support in case you have questions or feel stuck.

The goal is that after completing the bootcamp, you will have clarified your expertise and developed a profitable launch plan that you can follow without confusion.


How do I know if the bootcamp is a right fit for me?

If you want to be confident about what to be before your launch other than countdowns and coming soon announcements, and you want people queuing in your DMs and comment section eager to work with you even before your launch announcement, just hit the sign-up button and get into the bootcamp. This is my short answer, but if you want me to be specific...

Sure thing! Here are some signs that the bootcamp might be a good fit for you:

  1. Feeling Stuck with Content and Branding: If you're having trouble keeping up with creating content and growing your brand, this bootcamp can give you the strategies and tools to get unstuck.
  2. Wanting to Work Smarter, Not Harder: If you're looking for ways to make launching easier and more efficient, this bootcamp will show you how to set up systems that work for you.
  3. Ready to Invest in Your Business: If you're serious about growing your business and willing to put in the time and effort to learn new strategies, this bootcamp is a great investment in your future success.
  4. Eager to Learn and Grow: If you're open to trying new approaches and expanding your skillset, this bootcamp offers practical advice and tips that you can start using right away.

In short, if you're ready to take your business to the next level and willing to put in the work, this bootcamp can help you get there.

I already have results for clients, but I'M  struggling to create systems to create content and grow the brand, will this bootcamp help?

Absolutely! If you're already seeing great results with your clients but finding it tough to keep up with creating content and growing your brand, then this bootcamp is perfect for you.

We've designed it to tackle exactly these kinds of challenges. This bootcamp will give you practical strategies and step-by-step guidance to make content creation and brand growth much smoother and more manageable. You'll learn how to set up systems that work for you, so you can consistently produce top-notch content and boost your brand's presence. Say goodbye to the struggle and hello to streamlined success.

Is there a support system available if I have questions or need assistance during the BootCamp? Will there be any 1:1 sessions or interactions with DEBORAH?

Yes, we understand that support is crucial during your learning journey. While our bootcamp is self-paced, we provide a robust support system to address any questions or concerns you may have along the way. You'll have access to dedicated support channels where Deborah is available to assist you and address issues you might have.

Additionally, while our bootcamp primarily consists of self-paced materials, we do offer access to office hours Q&A sessions and interactions with Deborah or the team at scheduled intervals via email. These sessions provide an opportunity for you to engage directly with our instructors, seek clarification on concepts, and receive personalised guidance to beef up your learning experience.

We're committed to ensuring that you have the resources and support you need to succeed in the bootcamp and achieve your launching goals.

Can I access the bootcamp content after the 3-day period is over?

Yes, absolutely! We understand that learning doesn't end after three days, which is why we provide continued access to the bootcamp content beyond the initial period. Once you've completed the bootcamp, you'll have ongoing access to all the worksheets, and templates if you download them. 

This means you can revisit the content at your own pace, review key insights, and reinforce your learning whenever you need to. Our goal is to support your ongoing growth and development, even after the formal bootcamp period has ended. So, rest assured that you'll have continued access to the valuable content to further enhance your skills and knowledge.

However, you will have access to the learning platform for only 200 days. So after this, your access to the videos and learning platform in general, will expire, but you still have access to the tools and worksheet.

What is the format of the bootcamp? Will it be video-based, text-based, or a combination of both?

In the bootcamp, we mix things up to suit everyone's learning style. You'll find a blend of easy-to-follow video lessons for a dynamic experience, along with written materials like guides and worksheets for reference and deeper understanding. Whether you're a visual learner or prefer reading, our bootcamp has you covered, ensuring you get the most out of your learning experience.

What is the cost of the bootcamp, and are there any payment plans available?

The cost of the bootcamp is 49 USD (Limited Time Pricing and its subject to change soon). We understand that everyone's financial situation is different, but at the moment, there are no payment plans on the bootcamp


Certainly! If you have any other questions not mentioned here, feel free to ask. We're here to help! Just reach out to us through email; or via Instagram @thedeborahijeoma and I'll make sure you get the information you need. Your satisfaction is our priority, and I'm committed to providing the support you require.


I'm deborah Ijeoma

Helping entrepreneurs experience profitable launches with ease is my forte, and I have worked with clients across different niches and cities to scale their businesses while making a real impact and growing their influence.

I've broken down the non-negotiable systems you need to establish to ensure your next launch is profitable and follows a seamless process. Gain the clarity, knowledge, and systems needed to experience smooth launches moving forward in this detailed bootcamp.

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