Get a Clear + Concise Strategy to Package your Expertise for a Profitable Launch

Ready to Clarify and Create a winning game plan for your launch? This 90 mins session will help you understand your idea better, determine who, how, why and where your idea fits best and create a practical plan to help you launch a product, program or platform to execute your idea while identifying channels you can use to create influence to attract the ideal people and create impactful income by designing your idea with features that are beneficial and are worth paying for...

Amazing yea?

Here's what those who have attended the

 session are saying...

More than the excitement that I feel towards execution, It feels like these three action plans we create is a landmark for me. I've been stuck and this session has given me what to focus on and I'm no longer procrastinating, I have clear directions now and I'm taking actions cos it looks doable and easy now.

Lizabeth Daniel  

You made me see it in a completely different manner, I wasn't so interested in executing this because it felt overwhelming and difficult but the approach to launch is better and I feel my audience will respond better to it than the previous plan I had. Thank you for helping me break up with starting small plan, We go bigger now.

Stephanie Emeghalu

Deborah helped me come up with a blueprint on the first, second and third thing to do during our session and she even trashed out the fears I had and created a way to overcome them. I used the strategies to craft my marketing message and design my program launch and we hit more than our registration goals! The session was worth more than the price!

Heaven Umunna 


Launching an Idea sometimes brings some mixed feelings. A chapter is starting, and there are countless things you need to do. There is excitement at the thought of it working out. Then there is worry and confusion.…

You know there is more to execution and doing things half way doesn't cut it anymore but you cant seem to figure out what you are supposed to be doing.

You wake up with compelling thoughts of what is possible if you launch out and your mind seems to be buzzing with different ideas and approaches for execution.

You decide to start making actions but you cant seem to see tangible results and you are beginning to even doubt the validity of your idea. Its leaving you frustrated and you are second guessing your skills and self doubt is crawling in...

Deep down, you know and you keep saying, if only there was a clear plan for me to follow

And what if there was a fail proof, overwhelm free plan for you to execute confidently?! Well there is, and we can create it together. 

You can get a clear cut plan with the... 

Idea Strategy Session

Together, we look at your idea and I will give you helpful feedback while understanding your idea and quickly identifying the current loopholes in your approach. I will ask deep questions and we talk about the issues that leave you in doubt while diagnose the reason why execution is difficult for you at the moment.

At the end, you will live with personalized and practical steps on how to get started in a sustainable and scalable manner so you don't loose yourself and the things you love on your execution journey.

Here's what you'll be getting...


In 90 mins, we will talk about all things executing your Idea. From answering questions that have been giving you sleepless nights to helping you validate your idea and create a framework that you can use to effectively communicate your idea to those it is for, to even talking about how to create simple systems and routines in your day to help you beat overwhelm even while you launch and even how to earn a good profit even while doing purposeful work. Its a No judgement conversation zone that resets your perspective to the possibilities your idea carries and how to succeed at it from first attempt. 


Every word I say will carry value and be important on your journey so you will get access video recording of our call so you can go back, seat with it and implement. If you get stuck while executing, you can always revisit the replay and go through what we talked about. This is priceless and it makes the impact of the session evergreen to you. 

Easy to execute NEXT STEP PLAN

Yes, we will talk and I will help with clarity but beyond that, We will create a next step plan that is easy to implement, overwhelm free and fits your current schedule and lifestyle. You can be sure to leave feeling pumped and ready to execute and not scared and burdened because launching will become as easy as easy...

14  days mail support

While you execute, you'll definitely have questions and this is why you'll also get VVIP access to me via mail and we can talk about the steps you've taken, highlight what is working and also tackle any challenges you might be facing if there's any... You wont be alone on your execution journey even after our session.


This Could be you after a session...

Precious R.

Before now, I always had fears and thoughts of never walking in purpose and executing what God had laid in my heart because execution felt like something huge and it wasn't something I could do. I had two ideas I wanted to execute and guess what?! I've done the first one excellently and I'm making active plans to start the second one, All thanks to the templates and strategies you taught me.

Deborah E

Being Introverted made me feel disadvantaged because I couldn't bring myself to showing up or interacting with people. It also made me rigid with my execution plans but all these changed after interacting with you. You made me understand the importance of people on my journey and made me and I love how we were able to create a flexible plan that isn't stressful or overwhelming for my personality. I no longer feel scared to execute. 

Azuka K.

God gave me visions to run with and I've been stuck. Listening and Interacting with what you said and the templates you shared is super amazing because now, I've been opened up to execution and I just feel empowered to do. 

What if...

  • You could move past that overwhelming feeling that chokes you when you think of executing because it feels too big, You really want to execute but you need an easier way out.
  • You could look impostor syndrome in the face and that voice that keeps saying you are not ready and bade it goodbye because you now understand your value and you know how to put your current skills and talent to use while constantly learning and evolving on the journey
  • You could move past the current level of success you are recording with your idea because you know its small and you need a game plan to go bigger and intentionally help more people.
  • You move from serving only your friends and family to serving hundreds and thousands through your idea while recording increase in your influence, impact and income.
  • You can stand out and take a firm position doing what you do even if there are thousands who do the same thing because you are not worried about what's new about what you do and if there's a need to show up since what you are doing is popular already. You know that there's your unique perspective to things and you can easily communicate it to people...
  • You finally get past the thoughts and burdens of knowing there's something God wants you to launch and you have finally created it and its more impactful than you expected?!

At the end of this session, we can make these ‘what ifs’  a reality because you will:

  •  Get Clear on who you need to see yourself as and how you can execute based on your current skills, knowledge and talents. Rather than focusing on what you don't have, you’ll be able to focus your time and resources on what you can create with what you have presently. 
  • Start seeing results from Day 1 as you start to apply our 3-step Framework for execution; This framework is a gamechanger because it is overwhelm free and its designed to best fit your schedule and lifestyle. No dancing around the bush or doing things you aren't proud of just for the sake of a launch, none of that will happen here... 
  • Move from Confused and Uncertain to Confident and Unstoppable because you will leave with easy to implement strategies that you can use at different levels of your execution journey. 

How It Works

Step 1

Take a decision today, Book your session and Make payments via link below.

Step 2

Upon the completion of payment, you will be automatically taken to a page to schedule the time and date for your session..

Step 3

Mark your Calendar, Prepare your Heart and Come with a ready mind. I always recommend you have all your questions noted down, and identify areas you want to discuss ahead of the session.

You are just one session away from Clarity and Confidence

One little secret you need to know, I only have few slots open every week because I want every session to be as detailed and value packed as possible. So if you are thinking about grabbing a slot, do so now before they are sold out...

I Can not wait to have an insightful conversation sprinkled with laughter and virtual hugs with you...

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