Your Next Big Launch Doesn’t Have to Be Overwhelming,Let’s Create a Plan That Feels Right.

Feel the clarity, confidence, and momentum that come from a launch strategy designed just for you; no overwhelm, no second-guessing, just a clear path to success.

Launching something meaningful shouldn’t feel like a burden. You’ve got a vision (a powerful one) but turning that vision into a successful launch can feel daunting. The constant questions, the decisions, the uncertainty... it can hold you back from taking that next big step

But what if, instead of feeling overwhelmed, you felt clear, focused, and ready? What if you knew exactly what steps to take, and when to take them, with a plan that’s aligned with your unique strengths and goals? This is where I come in, ready to help you create a strategy that feels authentic, manageable, and entirely yours.

Here's what those who have attended the

 session are saying...

Before my session with Deborah, I felt paralyzed by indecision and procrastination, every day seemed to add to the overwhelm. But during our time together, she didn’t just give me a to-do list; she helped me build three actionable steps that felt like a turning point. These weren’t just ideas, they became my clear roadmap. Within days of the session, I had already executed the first plan, created the marketing outline, and even mapped out my launch content plan to attract the people I wanted. What once felt impossible now feels within reach, and I’m no longer just thinking about what to do, I’m confidently taking action. This session has truly marked a before and after in how I approach my business.

Lizabeth Daniel  

Going into the session with Deborah, I was overwhelmed and unsure about how to take the next step. But she didn’t just offer advice, she helped me build a clear blueprint, guiding me step-by-step on what to prioritize first, second, and third. The clarity she brought was so amazing, and what amazed me most was how she didn’t shy away from tackling the fears I had been holding onto. Deborah didn’t just address those fears, she gave me strategies to face and overcome them. Using her approach, I was able to craft a powerful marketing message and design a program launch that exceeded all expectations. We hit and even surpassed our registration goals. Her session was worth so much more than the price, it was a transformational experience

Heaven Umunna 

Does This Sound Familiar?

You wake up with big ideas, but by the time you sit down to work, the doubts start to creep in. ‘What if this doesn’t work?’ ‘What if I’m missing something?’ You’re not alone...

Many entrepreneurs struggle with the fear of launching, fear of making the wrong decision, of investing time and resources into something that might not succeed. The truth is, launching doesn’t have to be this stressful. It doesn’t have to be something that drains you.

What if, instead, you could approach your launch with confidence, knowing you have a solid plan that’s rooted in your strengths and tailored to your audience? Imagine the peace of mind that comes with clarity, focus, and a roadmap that’s designed to get you where you want to go.

Your Path to a Confident, Successful Launch starts at the...

Launch Strategy Session

This isn’t just another strategy session. This is your opportunity to step into clarity, to align your vision with a concrete, actionable plan, and to do it all without the overwhelm.

In this 90-minute session, we’ll sit down (virtually, of course) and take a deep dive into your business, your audience, and your goals. Together, we’ll craft a launch strategy that’s not only effective but feels right for you.

Here’s a sneak peek at how our session will progress:

Deep-Dive Assessment

We’ll start by exploring where you are right now. I’ll ask you specific, targeted questions to understand your current challenges, goals, and what you’ve already done. This helps us see the big picture and pinpoint exactly where we need to focus our efforts. 

Aligning Your launch Vision

Next, we’ll clarify your vision and ensure it’s aligned with your strengths, audience needs, and market opportunities. We’ll look at what’s been working and what hasn’t, so we can double down on your strengths and address any gaps

Structuring Your Strategy

Here, we’ll begin to build the framework of your launch strategy. We’ll break down your goals into actionable steps, creating a timeline that fits your schedule and lifestyle. This isn’t about overwhelming you with a long to-do list, it’s about crafting a plan that feels manageable and realistic, ensuring each step leads you closer to success

Overcoming Obstacles

We’ll identify potential roadblocks; whether it’s time management, resources, or external challenges, and create strategies to overcome them. This includes setting up systems to keep you on track, managing your environment, and ensuring you have the support you need.

Your Actionable Roadmap

By the end of our session, you’ll have a clear, step-by-step roadmap that you can follow with confidence. You’ll know exactly what to do, when to do it, and how to adjust if things change. Plus, you’ll have access to a recording of our session, so you can revisit our discussion anytime you need a refresher

Continued Support

After the session, you’ll have 14 days of VIP email support to ask questions, get feedback, and make sure you’re staying on track while implementing the strategy we already laid out. You’re not alone in this, I’m here to help you succeed every step of the way.

real stories, real results

This Could be you after a session...

Chinyere. A.O

Deborahhhhhh! Coach, I have amazing news! Remember that 1:1 session I told you about? Well, I had it this morning, and the lady loved it so much that she’s already signed up for the next one, the high ticket tier 🥳

And here’s the crazy part: I haven’t even officially launched my main program yet, but the 1:1 sessions are already doing so well. Sitting down with you to create a framework that delivers real results was an absolute game changer. It made everything click for me.

Honestly, thank you so much. This is HUGE for me! 🥹 It feels like all I needed was to put myself out there with the right strategy, and now it’s just flowing effortlessly. The best part? This client didn’t even see my content, she was sold just by seeing the framework!

Oh, and I’ve finally completed the website, landing page, and payment platform. I’m launching teaser content today and will fully launch within the week. I can’t thank you enough for how practical and results-driven working with you has been. Your attention to detail and excellence really showed, and I’m beyond grateful. 🥰

Ucee. I

Debbie, I just have to tell you thank you so much. Honestly, this investment has been worth every bit, and it’s not just me saying that. People around me are noticing the difference too! I've gotten 3 clients to pay for the offer we worked on together, and wow, that felt like such a huge milestone for me. High five to that! 🖐️

What’s really exciting is how people are reacting. Someone even told me they’ve noticed my content has become so much more strategic, it’s not just random anymore. People can tell that something has shifted, and I feel it too. It’s like I’ve found a new level of focus and intention in what I’m doing.

The clarity and confidence I’ve gained from this process is already making a real difference. I can only imagine what will happen if I keep this up. Thank you for helping me get here, it feels like I’m finally stepping into the version of myself I’ve been working towards all along!

Imagine Launching with Confidence, Knowing You’ve Got It Right

Picture this: You’ve got a clear plan, one that’s designed to fit your strengths and your business. You’re no longer second-guessing every decision or feeling overwhelmed by the endless possibilities. Instead, you’re focused, clear, and confident, knowing exactly what to do and when to do it.

All of this can happen after our session because you'll get:

Crystal-Clear Clarity: We’ll strip away the noise and focus on what really matters, giving you a clear, actionable plan that feels aligned with your Launch vision.
Tailored Strategy: This isn’t a cookie-cutter approach. Your strategy will be uniquely yours, designed to leverage your strengths and resonate with your audience.
Confidence to Move Forward: With a solid plan in place, you’ll feel empowered to take the next steps, knowing you’ve got a roadmap that’s designed for success

Think about it, what if you could:

  • Finally break free from the overwhelm and launch with a clear, focused plan?
  • Move past the fear and doubt, knowing that every decision is backed by a strategy that works for you?
  • See real results from your launch, reaching more people, making a bigger impact, and achieving the success you know you’re capable of?

At the end of this session, these ‘what ifs’ can become your reality. Together, we’ll create a strategy that not only feels right but delivers the results you’ve been working towards.

How It Works

Step 1

Take a decision today, Book your session and Make payments via link below.

Step 2

Upon the completion of payment, you will be automatically taken to a page to schedule the time and date for your session..

Step 3

Mark your Calendar, Prepare your Heart and Come with a ready mind. I always recommend you have all your questions noted down, and identify areas you want to discuss ahead of the session.

You might be asking...

What if I’m not sure where to start with my launch?

That’s completely okay, and honestly, it’s more common than you might think. The best part about this session is that you don’t need to have everything figured out. We’ll take it step by step, starting exactly where you are. Together, we’ll sort through your thoughts, identify your biggest strengths, and map out a clear path forward. By the end, you’ll not only know where to start, but you’ll also have a solid plan that feels manageable and aligned with your goals. Remember, this isn’t about perfection—it’s about progress.

I’ve tried other strategies before, and they didn’t work. How is this different?

I understand how frustrating that can be, and I want you to know that this session is different because it’s centered entirely around you. It’s not about following someone else’s playbook—it’s about creating a strategy that’s uniquely yours. We’ll dive into what makes your business special, and together, we’ll build a plan that leverages your strengths and resonates with your audience. This is a collaborative process, and my goal is to ensure that you leave with a strategy that feels not only effective but also true to who you are.

What if I don’t see immediate results?

It’s natural to want quick wins, but real, sustainable success often takes time. What I can promise is that this session will give you the clarity and direction you need to start seeing progress. We’ll focus on creating a roadmap that sets you up for long-term success, not just short-term gains. And even if results don’t happen overnight, you’ll have the confidence to keep moving forward, knowing that every step you take is bringing you closer to your goals. Plus, you’ll have my support to help you navigate any challenges along the way.

Is the fee a good investment for me right now?

I completely understand that the price is a significant investment, and that’s why I’m committed to making sure you get real value from this session. Think of this as an investment in your clarity and peace of mind. The strategies we’ll create together will help you avoid costly mistakes and save you time, frustration, and unnecessary expenses down the road. You’ll walk away with a clear plan that’s designed to help you reach your goals more effectively, making this session not just a cost but an investment in your business’s future.

What if I still have questions after the session?

You’re not in this alone. After our session, I’ll be here to support you for the next 14 days. Whether it’s a quick question or you need a little extra guidance, you can reach out anytime. My goal is to make sure you feel confident and supported as you implement your plan. I’m just an email away, ready to help you navigate any bumps in the road and keep you on track. You’ve got this—and I’m here to ensure you succeed.

Imagine walking away with not just ideas...

But a concrete, step-by-step plan that’s tailored to your business. A plan that feels manageable, aligned with your goals, and ready to be executed with confidence.

One little secret you need to know, I only have few slots open every week because I want every session to be as detailed and value packed as possible. So if you are thinking about grabbing a slot, do so now before they are all booked out...

I can not wait to have an insightful conversation sprinkled with laughter and virtual hugs with you...

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